
Accelerate Digital Transformation With Workflow Automation

Annie Sullivan
October 20, 2021
Min Read

Now more than ever, organizations must focus on delivering excellent digital experiences if they want to stay afloat. Yet two-thirds of businesses fail to launch successful digital transformations. What roadblocks are causing this, and how can your organization overcome the digital (transformation) divide? 

To find out, we hosted a panel with experts from Formstack, NJCAA, and Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe on the best strategies for digital transformation, from choosing the right technology and getting buy-in to building the best framework for success.

Here are the key takeaways from the full panel session.

The Importance of Going Digital  

Julia Rossi, Enterprise Sales Manager at Formstack, opened the discussion by sharing that going digital isn’t just for one industry and that impacts are being seen in all lines of work.  

Jeff White, VP of Legal and IT at the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), echoed Julia’s sentiments by pointing out that in the sports world there are certain requirements that must be met and submitted. In order to meet those requirements, NJCAA went from pen and paper to cloud-based solutions before ultimately switching to digital forms, which resulted in reduced records and improved storage methods.  

Lead Innovation Architect at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, Joe Schwendt agreed that there are only so many ways to put together a document in his line of work and having automation tools provides for extra customization that works across departments and use cases. He noted that at his organization, it is not just IT teams who are capable of producing high-quality documents. Instead, tools like Formstack empower the attorneys themselves to produce the customized documents they need to work faster and better.  

Besides eliminating paper processes, no-code tools are also making waves when it comes to choosing the right tool to take your forms online. How do you view that? 

As a software builder, Joe admitted he’s always wary of “no-code” and “low-code” solutions because they can be clunky and limiting—often not striking a balance between being user-friendly and robust enough to adapt to a variety of use cases. However, when software does live up to its promise of being “no-code,” then it can be life-changing, especially if there are modifications and customizations available within the tool. He added that using Formstack has allowed HR, marketing, IT, and the legal team to create the forms and documents they need, which has truly been transformative for the business.  

45% of executives don’t think their company has the right technology to implement a digital transformation. What advice would you give to them?  

Not all enterprise solution launches go to plan, Jeff acknowledges, which can leave scar tissue behind in an organization—making them not willing to take on another workflow solution. However, you still need one for a variety of reasons. Otherwise, you’ll fall behind competitors. So it’s all about getting people to accept that they need to find a new, better way. Once you can convince them of that, then it’s just about finding the right partner and solution—like Formstack for Salesforce.   

26% of companies say resistance to change deters transformation to progress. How do you work through getting buy-in from your organization, senior leaders, etc. Any advice? 

Joe’s method was to bring the team into the mix as early as possible. After doing extensive research and finding a suitable solution, set expectations, provide training, and have a plan when transitioning. The smoother the process feels, the easier it will be for higher-ups to get on board.

Having had a failed implementation from another project before, Jeff admitted that getting buy-in for a new one was even harder. It really needed to be an interactive process with opportunities for feedback involved. Thus, he took a methodical approach to convince the team that it was the only way to meet their needs going forward. Then, he instituted specific trainings around the launch to spread awareness and ensure the tool met users’ needs.  

What is the best use of the Formstack tool you’ve seen so far?  

Eager to jump in, Joe admitted that simply being able to create documents, send them out for signature, and then store them in the system without having to think about it has been the best benefit he’s seen.  

Echoing Joe, Jeff mentioned that multi-party signature of documents and workflow automation allow both students and institutions to see what’s at stake and what the process will be like, making it easy for all involved. He also pointed out that the use of QR codes with Formstack Forms has allowed them to create thousands of records in 3 weeks. 

What one piece of advice would you give to those thinking of making a digital transformation?  

Joe noted that you should start small and create quick wins to build momentum. If you can go viral in the company, then the use cases will start coming to you.

Jeff also pointed out that identifying vocal members of your organization to help in efforts can be the best way to go. Focus on testing, be thoughtful and methodical, and embrace feedback.  

Watch the full panel discussion for more insight into how you can start a digital transformation at your organization today.


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Annie Sullivan
Annie Sullivan is the Growth Marketing Copywriter at Formstack. She lives in Indianapolis and loves writing, reading, and traveling.
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